Thursday, January 1, 2009

Five Years Later

Today's our fifth anniversary. It's a bit hard to believe that we've already been married for five years. Sure, all you ten, twenty, and thirty-year veterans laugh. But it's strange to think that I've spent more than one-sixth of my life with Stef. I could write a book from all the experiences we've had together. I'll try to spare you all and make this short.

Flash back to the summer of 2003. I was in Provo, trying to weasel my way through the back door of BYU as a visiting student. Stef also came out for the summer, but didn't necessarily plan on staying any longer. Then we met. I'd like to say that I gallantly rode in on my white horse to save her, but anybody who knows me knows that I don't exactly do "gallant". I'm more of a goofus.

When I first saw her, we didn't really talk. She sat a few rows in front of me in Sunday school, next to a confident guy that had his arm around her. I lamented that all the beautiful girls were already taken. I was happy to find out that the confident guy was her brother, Ryan. She was fair game.

We all lived in the same apartment complex, and the ward was pretty tight. On my way back to my place, Stef passed by with some friends. Just as our eyes met, my feet goofusly met a metal pole lying on the ground, and I tripped. Way to make a good impression, Jesse. But Stef soon fell for me, too, and we got married.

Over the last five years, Stef has endured my bone-headed mistakes, propped me up through college and a full-time job, followed me to a remote island in a strange country, and given birth to two children (one in extremely odd circumstances). No matter how hard I try, I can't think of any strange burdens that she's put upon me. I'm making her be away from family and friends for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mia's birth, our anniversary, and her birthday. But through all this, she's been nothing short of awesome. I can hardly believe how tough she's been. The only reason I can believe it is because her strength was one of the main reasons I married her.

Stef and I have always said that we know we aren't perfect, but that we are perfect for each other. And I truly believe that. Except that she's a lot closer to perfect than I am. Her many strengths compensate for my many weaknesses. She's helped me grow mentally and spiritually, although her great cooking has, unfortunately, helped me grow physically around my waist.

It shouldn't be as easy as it has been to be away from family and friends. I think that having my best friend and closest family with me has helped. But I realize that I owe her big time for all that she's ever done for me. And I have every day of the rest of my life with her to show her how much she means to me.

Stef, thanks for all that you do. I love you with all my heart. Happy fifth anniversary.


Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

Such sweet pictures! I miss you guys, Are you still in Utah?

Emily said...

Happy anniversary! (Late!)

Randomly, here's a webcomic I think you guys would like. It's about a young married couple.

This one kind of reminds me of you guys: